Jana’s Campaign is excited to report that our partnership with nationally-recognized Futures Without Violence, Inc. will be expanding. Futures Without Violence, based in San Francisco, CA, has awarded Jana’s Campaign a $5,000 grant to provide additional trainings to middle and high school athletic coaches on the program Coaching Boys Into Men (CBIM). This is a national program that trains athletic coaches to use their influence to help high school male student athletes to build healthy relationships and prevent sexual and dating violence. Over the past two years, Jana’s Campaign has conducted Coaching Boys Into Men trainings primarily for northwest Kansas schools. This grant will allow us to broaden our scope statewide in 2015 by hosting training sessions in Wichita, Salina, and Girard. For more information on these trainings, see this link. Working with the state’s educational service centers, this new training opportunity will reach dozens of new coaches. It is our hope that, by working closely with coaches and young male athletes, we will not only make in impact on teen dating violence in Kansas but will sustain that impact for years to come.
Jana’s Campaign, Inc. is pleased to announce an exciting addition to our teen gender violence prevention programming. Through the generous support of the Heartland Community Foundation, we have received (3) Dane G. Hansen Community Grants totaling $13,000 to implement in-depth teen dating violence prevention work in three Kansas counties. These grants will allow us to implement a comprehensive, multi-level approach to teen dating violence in (14) middle and high schools throughout Ellis, Rooks and Trego counties. This multi-dimensional pilot program includes both curricular and co-curricular elements for students, faculty and staff training and recommendations for school-wide policy revisions for all three counties. The education and programming elements for students include activities to help adolescents recognize the warning signs of dating abuse, learning how to avoid abusive and violent behaviors, where and how to find help and services when needed, promoting healthy relationships, demonstrating gender respect among all peers, and learning the skills to be an active bystander to confront gender violence. Faculty and staff will receive education and training for all school personnel on the role they can play in preventing, recognizing, and responding to teen gender violence in their schools. Jana’s Campaign will facilitate partnerships between the participating schools and community agencies to build coalitions of community citizens, parents, and school districts to prevent teen gender violence. Finally, each school will receive guidance on revising and adopting schools policies that modify school practices, rules and regulations, and other routine protocols in order to improve prevention and intervention efforts against teen gender violence. “We are so excited to be able to impact these three Kansas counties in such a comprehensive way,” says Curt Brungardt, Jana’s Campaign President. “We further hope that this local work will be used as a pilot for the rest of the state and the region.” This program would not have been possible without the Dane G. Hansen Community Grants of the Heartland Community Foundation, and we appreciate the Foundation’s support of our critical violence prevention work. The Heartland Community Foundation was founded on September 6th, 2007, to serve as a vehicle for charitable giving benefiting the Ellis, Rooks and Trego Counties. Their mission is to enhance quality of life, today and in the future, by:
The 2013-2014 Assessment Data and Impact Report is now available here.
June 2024